Automated Text/Email Etiquette Tips for Property Managers

By: Manny Mangat


Property Management

time to read article2 minutes

article date Dec 18, 2020

Automating email communications with tenants can be a great way to get important information out on a schedule and take some of the time-consuming “back-and-forth” out of communicating. The challenge is to make sure that your automated communications are just as respectful and responsive as you would be. Read on to get tips from professionals about how to execute this with grace.

Denise Supplee

Denise Supplee

Denise Supplee is co-founder of helping everyday people build passive income through real estate investing and work toward financial independence.

Stick to your time-frame

Automated emails can feel like a shrug off to some customers. All-in-all, it is important to do what you say you will do. The best way to accomplish this is to add a line regarding a time-frame when your client will be contacted and sticking to it.

John Romito

John Romito

John Romito, Founder and Licensed Real Estate Agent at Heart & Home Real Estate.

Remain clear, to the point, and easy to read

When we have any sort of official representation with the residents, we want to remember that we are representing the property owner. Therefore, a demeanor of professionalism, efficiency, and respect for the time and intelligence of the residents should be a tone that comes through strongly and clearly. No all caps or excessive exclamation points! This isn’t the time to be cutesy. Remain clear, to the point, and easy to read.

Erik Wright

Erik Wright

Erik Wright is a real estate investor and owner of New Horizon Home Buyers, one of Chattanooga, Tennessee's highest-ranking home buying companies. He owns rentals and has about a decade of experience as a landlord.

Start by communicating two pieces of information

When setting up automated text/email responses as a property manager, it is important to start by communicating two pieces of information to tenants.

First, assure the tenant that the message has been received and that they have the correct contact information. For example: "Thank you for emailing (insert property management company). We have received your message..." This may seem basic, but it assures the tenant that they have contacted the right person.

Second, give a time frame in which they can expect a response to their query. This sets an expectation for when they should hear back from somebody. For example: "We will contact you within 24 hours in regard to your message.”

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors are not necessarily affiliated with this website and their statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

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