Black Friday Sales Lead to 26% Increase in Package Scans

By: Esther Wilamowsky



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article date Jan 07, 2020

US online sales on Black Friday weekend (from Thanksgiving Thursday through Cyber Monday) were projected to top a staggering $29 billion this year compared to $23.4 billion last year, according to Adobe Analytics. Once the actual numbers were revealed, Cyber Monday alone reached a staggering $9.4B in e-commerce sales, making it the first $9B+ day in e-commerce history. All of this online spending translates into a lot of packages shipped and received and the effect was felt strongly in mailrooms powered by the PackageX Mailroom App.

The number of inbound packages received by PackageX powered mailrooms increased by 26% from 145,488 to 182,488, across our global customer base, in the two weeks after Thanksgiving as compared to the two weeks before. In the US alone, daily scans, a single scan equivalent to an inbound package, went up 20% from 60,378 to 72,170. Deliveries through the United States Postal Service (USPS) increased by 45% in the same period.

We put together an infographic highlighting some of the holiday season trends across our client network, from University mailrooms, corporate office buildings to residential spaces – take a look at the stats broken down by location and top carriers.

Do these figures pique your interest? With PackageX's intuitive, user-friendly dashboard, our clients have access to their specific data on an extremely granular level. This data is invaluable as it aids the improvement of work-flow operations such as scheduling shifts (for additional help) and planning mailroom procedures. If you're interested in learning more about how to efficiently manage your mailroom or inbound packages or how to access your mailroom data via PackageX Mailroom dashboard, reach out to our sales team ( or schedule a demo.

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