Top 3 Technologies to Improve Stages of Delivery Logistics

By: Farrukh Mahboob



time to read article3 minutes

article date Jul 19, 2019

Getting goods to consumers quickly, safely and transparently is an integral part of any physical business operations, whether B2B or B2C, creating reliable ways of delivering products quickly, safely and transparently is an integral part of customer satisfaction.

Sector changes like Amazon’s 1-day delivery service have already redefined what delivery logistics look like. Here, we explore the next most likely disruptors to the sector:

New vehicles solutions

An undeniable part of the package delivery involves getting goods from the warehouse to the recepient, which makes up a large portion of the service and the business model.

The US Postal Service have started testing self-driving trucks which will transport from warehouse centres across the country. An ambitious move towards automation, particularly for the government organizations which are notoriously slow at changing processes.

From the warehouse to the door, in Brisbane the city is exploring the use of electric mopeds to take care of the last stage of package delivery more quickly and reduce carbon emissions at the same time. And, although the classification of vehicle is perhaps being stretched here, Digit the robot is creating further automation potential by dropping the parcel from the van to the door.

Delivery Drones

Next-up, no picture of modern delivery services would be complete without the mention of drones, with the dominante e-commerce services all exploring ways to speed up delivery times even more.

Not content with the one-day delivery timeframe for its Prime customers, Amazon is currently setting up the infrastructure and airspace approvals to offer high-speed deliveries in the UK.

Google owned start-up Wing launched a new service in Helsinki. And in the US, Uber is planning to use drone services to take a bigger share of the food delivery market with UberEats by offering drone delivery to clients in San Diego.

AI and Machine Learning

Finally we move on to AI and Machine Learning.

You might have already experienced this technology as it helps you to track your parcel on route to your delivery address or provide automated status updates - but did you ever think about what happens when it gets to your door?

At PackageX, we’re solving that final piece of the puzzle. All of these technologies solve ways to speed up getting the parcel to your doorstep, but what happens after that? Even with the efficient delivery timeframe like Amazon’s 1-day or 2-hour delivery service, a package could still end up getting delayed or misplaced once it lands in the mailroom office of a busy building resulting in recipient's frustration. Our solution tracks parcels past the point of delivery, once inside the internal mailroom system of the apartment block or office building.

Getting thousands of packages to doorsteps with no losses or delays, mailroom staff who use PackageX can notify the package recipients in seconds, just by snapping a picture of the delivery label. There’s no longer a need to sort the packages manually or drop the recipient an email or call — those good old days are over. PackageX's process is as simple as Snap, Notify and Sign: Snap to take a picture of the label, a notification email will be sent to the recipient, and the recipient signs to collect the package. As a bonus, the app is intelligent enough to even read hand-written labels, understand nicknames, and add personalized notes such as “Hey, that much-awaited parcel from Mom is here!”

When mailrooms use the PackageX app, package recipients can finally clearly see who has signed for their parcel, track its location in the building and get instant notifications.

PackageX for last-yard delivery services

With all of these great new innovations that speed up delivery to the location, their success will be hampered if they fail at the last hurdle and deliveries are delayed in complex, busy buildings after drop-off. PackageX solutions ensure no packages are lost or stolen again and by taking care of that final stage of delivery, the overall customer satisfaction can improve incredibly.

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